Dramacool The best place to watch Asian Dramas
Who are we?
We are the group of college students who for the sake of their passion tried their best to facilitate Asian drama lovers with free entertainment seamlessly in HD quality. After the recent shutdown of previous official sites. We have returned back to our beloved work Dramacool.
Why Dramacool??
You should watch only on Dramacool,s official website because Our sites are 100% safe and authentic providing you with the newest and oldest dramas in HD quality with the download option to help you watch at your convenience.
Which site of Dramacool is official and legal?
The Official and legit websites for Asian Dramas are:
Apart from these if you see any other site report that right away. Because all of those are fake people who steal our original content and hardwork.
Is Dramacool safe to Use?
Yes, Dramacool is a 100% safe website and we don’t have any spam ads or content over there. You might come across the ads on our website which are crucial for our financial support so we can facilitate our users.Thus, We are safe and legit and there,s nothing to worry about. The ads there are not to disturb you but to help us keep doing our work.
Where can you find old and new dramas??
You can find all the old and new dramas on the websites mentioned above. The old dramas are available from 1990 to latest of 2025,s. However, If you see that your desired dramas or TV shows aren’t at our website please submit a drama request and we’ll add that ASAP.
Where to watch some of the Netflix Shows and dramas?
Dramacool not only provides you with the TV shows but also the ones which are released on Netflix. So no need to worry about subscriptions now. You can find all Netflix Asian dramas and Shows here on Dramacool. Some of the most popular availabilities here includes:
1. Squid Game Season 1
2. Squid Game Season 2
3. All of us are dead
4. Queen of tears
5. Tokyo swindlers
6. Alice in the borderland
7. Sweet home
8. Single s Inferno Season 4
To conclude, I must say that Dramacool is all that you need because we ensure to provide you what you need.Its all what you have always been trying to find. Our user-friendly interface will allow you to navigate the content easily. . So, Bookmark the following sites beware of all scammers.